Spanish Breakthrough - Stage 1
The intent of this course is to introduce complete beginners to the language and culture and equip them with sufficient basic language skills that can be used in simple day to day conversation; personal information, alphabet & sounds, greetings, introductions, names, nationalities/countries, professions, family members, where do you live, numbers 0-100, order drinks and snacks. You will also recognize and be able to make an attempt at producing simple grammar and linguistic structures using the present tenses and useful verbs.
You are expected to be punctual and attend 100% of this course.
All classes are asked to complete the Emotional Health and Wellbeing survey at the beginning and end of their course. This enables us to see whether learning has a positive impact on wellbeing and it also enables us to identify and help people who need support.
B1: £123.06(In London Resident)
B2: £80.51 (London Concessionary)
B3: £0.00 (Concessionary)
B4. £186.30(Out of London Resident)
Prosp User 2
At the end of the course you should be able to -
● Repeat/say a few words and short simple sentences
● Listen and understand a few familiar spoken words and phrases
● Recognise and read out a few familiar words and phrases
● Write or copy simple words or phrases
Prosp User 3
One to one verbal assessment, group discussions and evaluations, questions and answers, some written work, quizzes, questionnaires, role-plays, games and presentations. Written progress and assessment will be recorded in your individual learning plan.
Prosp User 4
No previous knowledge of the language is necessary, this course is for complete beginners. If you are unsure about your level, please refer to our Guidance on Modern Foreign Language Levels self-assessment on our website (see under Languages, Literature & Culture section).
Prosp User 5
Due to COVID-19 some elements for this course will be delivered online through blended learning.
Prosp User 14
Pen, paper and an A4 ring binder. Cost Involved: £20-£30 for a course book/CD which you will be advised of at the first session. Please do not purchase any items before the first session.
Yes. If you think you might need some additional support with your learning, please ask your tutor or the Centre staff for more information about our learning support offer.
Prosp User 6
You will develop some employability skills such as communication, team work and meeting deadlines. This course does not lead directly into employment; you may need further qualifications at other institutions to progress into employment.
Prosp User 8
Prosp User 10
13:00 - 15:00
15 weeks